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usomiq-ubuntu [2013/09/27 02:08]
maxx [Install Ubuntu/Debian to a SD card]
usomiq-ubuntu [2015/03/05 02:09] (current)
maxx [Linux Kernel]
Line 43: Line 43:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-wget http://​​downloads/​usomiq/​patches/​add-usomiq-to-uboot.patch +wget http://​​downloads/​usomiq/​patches/​u-boot-2013.07-usomiq.patch 
-patch -p1 < add-usomiq-to-uboot.patch+patch -p1 < u-boot-2013.07-usomiq.patch
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 65: Line 65:
 Download a patch to enable uSomIQ support in kernel Download a patch to enable uSomIQ support in kernel
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-wget http://​​downloads/​usomiq/​patches/​add-usomiq-to-nelson-scripts.patch +wget http://​​downloads/​usomiq/​patches/​add-usomiq-rcn-v3.2.patch 
-patch -p1 < add-usomiq-to-nelson-scripts.patch+patch -p1 < add-usomiq-rcn-v3.2.patch
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 75: Line 75:
 The kernel zImage and modules will be under the deploy directory. The kernel zImage and modules will be under the deploy directory.
 +===== Prebuilt binaries =====
 +You can find the prebuilt binaries here:
 ====== Root File System ====== ====== Root File System ======
 ===== Debian 7.0.0 (Wheezy) Root File System ===== ===== Debian 7.0.0 (Wheezy) Root File System =====
Line 80: Line 86:
 This file system is very small and can be installed to the NAND flash on uSomIQ. It is not that small like Angstrom minimal distribution (~20M), but will require around 75M on the flash. However it is a real Debian system with apt-get utility installed. This file system is very small and can be installed to the NAND flash on uSomIQ. It is not that small like Angstrom minimal distribution (~20M), but will require around 75M on the flash. However it is a real Debian system with apt-get utility installed.
-Default User: debian+Default User: debian\\
 Password: temppwd Password: temppwd
-Root User: root+Root User: root\\
 Root Password: root Root Password: root
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-wget -c https://​​deb/​minfs/​wheezy/​debian-7.1-minimal-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz+wget -c https://​​deb/​minfs/​wheezy/​debian-7.5-minimal-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 verify the image with: verify the image with:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-md5sum debian-7.1-minimal-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz +md5sum debian-7.5-minimal-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz 
-63e68e96b21cefeae9e4ecbf0568fd26  ​debian-7.1-minimal-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz+cae9e0cfac14fd6aa19d4c17357aecc8 ​debian-7.5-minimal-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Extract Image: Extract Image:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-tar xJf debian-7.1-minimal-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz+tar xf debian-7.5-minimal-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Now you have a directory with the archived (tar) file system itself and a file with user names/​passwords. Now you have a directory with the archived (tar) file system itself and a file with user names/​passwords.
Line 102: Line 108:
 ===== Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring) Root File System ===== ===== Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring) Root File System =====
-Default User: ubuntu+Default User: ubuntu\\
 Password: temppwd Password: temppwd
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-wget -c https://​​deb/​minfs/​raring/ubuntu-13.04-minimal-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz+wget -c https://​​deb/​minfs/​trusty/ubuntu-14.04-minimal-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 verify the image with: verify the image with:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-md5sum ubuntu-13.04-minimal-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz +md5sum ubuntu-14.04-minimal-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz 
-4bbf7944d43ba5f4fbb5a86232b57d58  ​ubuntu-13.04-minimal-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz+c30fb91012701cdbfa00bb6c86868d0a ​ubuntu-14.04-minimal-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Extract Image: Extract Image:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-tar xJf ubuntu-13.04-minimal-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz+tar xJf ubuntu-14.04-minimal-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
  Now you have a directory with the archived (tar) file system itself and a file with user names/​passwords.  Now you have a directory with the archived (tar) file system itself and a file with user names/​passwords.
Line 121: Line 127:
 ===== Root File System for NAND ===== ===== Root File System for NAND =====
 A Root File System around 64Mb in size, for flash applications. A Root File System around 64Mb in size, for flash applications.
-**Debian 7 (small flash) + 
-**+**Debian 7 (small flash)**
 ^ User ^ Password ^ ^ User ^ Password ^
 | debian | temppwd | | debian | temppwd |
Line 129: Line 135:
 Download: ​ Download: ​
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-wget -c https://​​deb/​barefs/​wheezy/​debian-7.1-bare-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz+wget -c https://​​deb/​barefs/​wheezy/​debian-7.5-bare-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Verify: ​ Verify: ​
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-md5sum debian-7.1-bare-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz +md5sum debian-7.5-bare-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz 
-276f2b77c1de379e5923f1f97b1f7853 ​debian-7.1-bare-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz+a5f0e75e5ad16bb110d4291f54ed6cb9  ​debian-7.5-bare-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Extract: Extract:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-tar xJf debian-7.1-bare-armhf-2013-08-25.tar.xz+tar xJf debian-7.5-bare-armhf-2014-07-07.tar.xz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 ====== Install Ubuntu/​Debian ====== ====== Install Ubuntu/​Debian ======
 +===== SD card =====
 ==== Setup microSD card ==== ==== Setup microSD card ====
Line 289: Line 296:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 sudo nano /​media/​rootfs/​etc/​fstab sudo nano /​media/​rootfs/​etc/​fstab
 Add: Add:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 313: Line 320:
 === Enable Serial Login === === Enable Serial Login ===
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 sudo nano /​media/​rootfs/​etc/​inittab sudo nano /​media/​rootfs/​etc/​inittab
Line 322: Line 329:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 sudo nano /​media/​rootfs/​etc/​init/​serial.conf sudo nano /​media/​rootfs/​etc/​init/​serial.conf
Line 344: Line 351:
 ===== Install Debian to NAND ===== ===== Install Debian to NAND =====
 +Here you will learn how install Debian to a UBIFS partition on a uSomIQ system on module.
 +1) Install Ubuntu or Debian to a SD card as described in the previous step
 +2) Download and extract a small Debian file system as described [[#​root_file_system_for_nand]]
 +You will have an archive debian-7.1-bare-armhf-2013-08-25.tar after extracting. Place this archive to the SD card with OS installed in the previous step.
 +3) Boot the board with the SD card to u-boot and issue the following commands:
 +nand erase.chip
 +mmc rescan
 +fatload mmc 0 0x81600000 MLO
 +nand write 0x81600000 0 20000
 +nand write 0x81600000 20000 20000
 +nand write 0x81600000 40000 20000
 +Load the u-boot image u-boot.img to NAND. Note that we use the actual size of the u-boot.img file in Hex. If your file has a different size then update this number
 +fatload mmc 0 0x81600000 u-boot.img
 +nand write 0x81600000 80000 57d74 # <- this is the actual size of the u-boot.img file in Hex
 +Load the kernel image zImage to NAND. Note that we use the actual size of the zImage file in Hex. If your file has a different size then update this number
 +run loaduimage
 +nand write ${loadaddr} 280000 2B08f8 # <- this is the actual size of the zImage file in Hex
 +4) Boot farther to OS
 +5) Prepare a UBIFS partition
 +For more information visit: [[http://​​index.php/​UBIFS_Support]]
 +Preparing NAND partition for modules with 256MB
 +ubiformat /dev/mtd7 -s 2048 -O 2048
 +ubiattach /​dev/​ubi_ctrl -m 7 -O 2048
 +ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -s 235MiB -N rootfs
 +mount -t ubifs ubi0:rootfs /mnt
 +Preparing NAND partition for modules with 512MB
 +ubiformat /dev/mtd7 -s 2048 -O 2048
 +ubiattach /​dev/​ubi_ctrl -m 7 -O 2048
 +ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -s 450MiB -N rootfs
 +mount -t ubifs ubi0:rootfs /mnt
 +6) Install the file system to the UBIFS-partiotion
 +cd /mnt
 +tar xf <path to image>/​debian-7.1-bare-armhf-2013-08-25.tar
 +7) Enable the Serial login
 +Edit the file /​mnt/​etc/​inittab as described for the SD card installation.
 +8) Enable Network
 +Edit the file /​mnt/​etc/​network/​interfaces as described for the SD card installation.
 +9) Remove the SD card and reboot the board
 ====== FAQ ====== ====== FAQ ======
usomiq-ubuntu.1380262124.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/27 02:08 by maxx