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ubuntu [2013/05/31 00:21]
maxx created
ubuntu [2013/06/04 15:39] (current)
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 ====== Ubuntu Linux ====== ====== Ubuntu Linux ======
 This is about Ubuntu Linux support by Mentorel'​s embedded computers. He you will find extensive support and some tricks to solve rare problems. This is about Ubuntu Linux support by Mentorel'​s embedded computers. He you will find extensive support and some tricks to solve rare problems.
 +[[ubuntu-core-arm|Ubuntu Core ARM]]
 [[ubuntu-tricks|Ubuntu tricks]] [[ubuntu-tricks|Ubuntu tricks]]
 +[[usomiq-ubuntu|Set up Ubuntu for uSomIQ COM]]
ubuntu.1369974085.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/05/31 00:21 (external edit)